Respuesta :


1.) Express your sorrow or concern. As soon as you learn about the loss, reach out to your friend and let `them know you are aware of the situation and that you care. Your friend will be thankful that you acknowledged their pain

2.) Be a shoulder to lean or cry on. Offer to come over and just sit with your friend. Many people find it hard to say the right things after a death or important loss. However, to your friend, the most important thing is that you are present with them during this difficult time. If your friend cries, encourage them to express their emotions. Rub their back or pull them in close so that they can cry on your shoulder.


Avoid cliches. There are many optimistic platitudes often shared with grievers to make them feel better. Sadly, most of these statements do nothing to help with mourning and may only enrage or upset mourners. Such statements include the following:

   It was meant to be.

   He/she is in a better place.

   It could have been worse.

   I know how you feel.

   It was God's plan.

hope this helped let me know if it did!


Help your friend remember the good times they had with this person.

Accompany your friend to the memorial. Seeing your face in a crowd of strangers will make them more comfortable.

Be a shoulder to lean or cry on, they will need it.
