Hi, can you guys help me translate this? Please? Thank u so much 사랑하는 우리 가족 그리고 빅히트 식구분들께 먼저 감사의 말씀드립니다.
이번 앨범을 준비하면서 방탄의 음악이 주는 에너지와 선한 영향력에 대해서 다시 한번 생각하게 되었습니다.
보잘것없는 방탄이었지만 누군가의 영웅이 되었고
사실 따지고 보면 영화에 나오는 슈퍼 히어로처럼 지구를 지켜낸 것도 아닌데,
큰 응원을 해주셔서 얼떨떨할 때도 많습니다.
음악이 주는 위로 감동 힘을 너무 잘 알기에
위로와 감동 힘을 주는 음악을 하고 싶었습니다.
이번 앨범이 여러분들께 작은 힘이 되었으면 좋겠습니다.
그리고 아미 여러분
이렇게 영광스러운 날들을 살게 해주는 아미 여러분들께 큰 감사의 말 전합니다.
우리의 음악이 전 세계에 울려 퍼지는 건 그만큼 저희를 사랑해주시는 분들이 전세계에 있다는 뜻이겠지요.
더 많은 세계의 아미 여러분들을 만나고 싶습니다!!
사실 아미 여러분들이 없었으면 이번 앨범은 존재하지 않겠지요.
우리의 음악 우리의 무대 이 모든 것들이 아미 여러분이 존재하기에 존재할 수 있는 것들
항상 감사하고 사랑합니다.
이번 앨범도 마음껏 즐겨주세요

Respuesta :


First of all, I would like to thank my dear family and big hit family. As I prepared this album, I thought again about the energy and good influence of bulletproof music. It was a little bulletproof, but it became someone's hero, and in fact, I didn't protect the earth like the superheroes in the movie. I wanted to do music that gives comfort and inspiration because I know so well the power of inspiration. I hope this album will be a little strength for you. And I am very grateful to all of you who have lived these glorious days. If our music resonates all over the world, it means that there are people around us all over the world. I want to meet more people of the world! In fact, this album would not exist without you guys. Our Music Our Stage All of these are things that can exist because of you. Please enjoy this album.


That's the correct translation :)



First of all, I want to thank my dear family and big hit family.

In preparation for this album, I once again thought about the energy and good influence of bulletproof music.

It was a little bulletproof, but I became a hero of someone

In fact, it's not like you've defended the planet like a superhero

There are many times when you are very excited about your support.

I know so much about the power of music

I wanted to make music that would comfort and impress me.

I hope this album will be a little strength for you.

And army people

I am grateful to all of you who have lived these glorious days.

Our music resonates all over the world, which means that there are people who love us all over the world.

I want to meet more people of the world!

In fact, this album would not exist without you guys.

Our Music Our Stage All of these things can exist because of you

Always thank you and love you.

Please enjoy this album as much as you like.

Thank you.