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An ionic bond is a type of chemical bond in which occurs an electrons transfer, where one of the atoms act as a donor and the other act as the acceptor. Compound with ionic bonds are very stables and strong because of the attraction of the opposite charges. These attractions help ions stay together forming solid nets.
A covalent bond is a type of chemical bond in which the electrons are shared. Unlike the ionic bond, the atoms act at the same time as donors and acceptors sharing their electrons. The covalent bond keeps the atoms together because an electrostatic force, thus this bond is weaker than the ionic bond.
A metallic bond is a force which keeps together metallic atoms. In this type of bond, there is no transfer or sharing of electrons. The atoms are kept together because of an electrostatic force. Since there is no electron exchange involved a metallic bond is weaker than the other two.
In diamond, every carbon atom shared four electrons with other carbon atoms between a covalent bond. These form a regular tetrahedron. On the other side, graphite has a layer structure, in which every layer hold carbon atoms wich shared electrons with other tree atoms. All the layers stay together because of the Van der Waals force. These difference in bonds cause to have different properties, diamond is one of the hardest materials and graphite it is not.