
it is alleged that all over the world celebrities feel that media infringes their right to dignity , freedom and privacy. If you were appointed as a south African press association (SAPA) president, discuss five corrective measures you would take to address such a situation.

Respuesta :

What I would do as he SAPA president is, 

I would give celebrities more freedom to move
I would restrict journalists rights in terms of to what extent can they bother someone
I would make the visits of world celebrities more anonymous
I would make sure that they wouldn't feel like that anymore
I would let their word be heard


As the African Press Association President, I would:

  1. Ensure that artists would not be harassed when it comes to their privacy by limiting what journalists should do
  2. Stop rewarding, and maybe end, pieces that are made in exchange of violating the artists rights
  3. I would help Educate the people. After all, people need to know that celebrities are also people.
  4. Expose and take action against companies that are abusive towards the artists
  5. Offer the artists some sort of protection (legal or otherwise) depending on what's been happening