

What should I write a newspaper about for 5th & 6 graders? Please give me ideas

Respuesta :

Here are some ideas:

-Talk about good study or school habits

-Study techniques

-Fun facts (possibly about space... kids always like cool facts about planets)

-What they could do to be more economically friendly

-At home science experiments

-Volunteer opportunities (like if there is a teacher at school that wants help with grading papers, packing up class rooms, etc.)

-Dangers of technology or social media

-New inventions

-Life story of inspirational people (Racheal Joy Scott is an amazing one to write about)

-Science behind eating healthy/exercising and what it does to the brain, body, mood, etc.

-Ways to cope with anxiety/stress

-How to deal with puberty and mood swings

-How to help friends with depression (I don't know if this one is as applicable to this age group but it could be interesting)

-Science behind kindness (like the psychology behind it. What people who are kind tend to feel, what are the mental/physical benefits of being kind, etc. I did a research paper on this and it was actually really interesting)

-Since summer is coming up you can write about activities the kids can do when board (crafts, games, etc)

-Benefits of being outside (might convince some of them to not stay inside as much)

Hope this helped! Let me know if you want more ideas!