Each kidney has approximately 1 million nephrons. Each nephron consists of 2 parts: 1. Glomerulus; 2. Renal tubules
The glomerulus is a capillary type branching network formed from the renal arterioles which originates from the renal artery and is involved in the filtration of blood.
Renal tubules has the following parts:
i) Bowman's capsule: It is a double layered cup like structure. Bowman's capsule along with glomerulus forms the malphigian corpuscle or renal body.
ii) Proximal convoluted tubule (PCT): It forms a highly coiled network.
iii) Henle's loop: It is hairpin shaped part of tubule which has a descending and an ascending limb.
iv) Distal convoluted tubule (DCT): It is also a highly coiled tubular region.