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Some sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) can be transmitted or contracted even if a condom is worn during intercourse. STDs that are spread by skin-to-skin contact can still be spread when a condom is used during sex. This happens when an STD on the skin is exposed to parts of an infected part of the partner’s body that is not covered by a condom.

Condoms act as a barrier to STDs that are found in bodily fluids like semen, vaginal fluids and blood by either containing the fluids if the individual wearing the condom is infected, or protecting the individual who is wearing the condom from an infected partner. This goes for whether or not a male or female condom is being used.

Only condoms that are manufactured for STD prevention are considered suitable to prevention in the FDA’s eyes. Natural condoms, like those made of lambskin, are not safe for preventing STDs; their pores are too small to allow sperm cells to pass through, but viruses and bacteria can permeate the pores and spread. Learn more about the different types of condoms

Well for one thing Condoms are NOT a 100% guarantee to keep you safe from pregnancy or STD's. With that being said, yes condoms are much safer that unprotected sex but there are cases where a condom might break/burst.They can tear if there is too much friction and not enough lubrication. Like foods and drinks condoms also have an expiration date it is important to check it and use before the date or throw in trash if its expired.