Respuesta :
1. The answer is morphology. This is the use of similarities and differences in physical characteristics of the organisms. In addition to morphology, today, the use of genetic comparisons have helped phylogenetics to have higher fidelity.
2. The answer is Mesozoa. The group is composed of maily marine invertebrates that are worm-like in characteristic and are usually ciliated. Dicyemida and Orthonectida are the two main groups of the Mesozoa phylum.
3. The answer is arthropods. This is because the phylum is mostly comprised of insects (Class Insecta has over 800,000 discovered species). Insects are the most abundant organisms on earth and also the most diversified. Again every molt and metamorphosis of these insects presents a different instar in the organisms.
4. Fish are entirely aquatic while amphibians are not. Amphibians can survive in land in their adulthood. Amphibians have larvae stages hence metamorphose. Fishes on the other hand rarely metamorphose. Adult amphibians have limbs while fishes have fins. Examples of amphibians are frogs and tortoises. Examples of fishes are sharks and catfish