International Organizations
Directions: For each of the following scenarios, determine which international organization would be best
suited to deal with the issue.
1. A country in Eastern Europe has suffered a severe downtum
in its
2. An African nation has recently freed itself of a dictator and
needs training and assistance in setting up its economy.
3. A devastating malaria outbreak has hit a small country in
South America.
4. An Asian nation has set up very high tariffs & taxes on all
its exports and imports.
5. An American company is planning on moving to Mexico to
lower its costs.
6. A European nation's currency is losing its value.
7. A civil war is just ending and settling down in a South
Asian nation.
8. An African dictator is funneling loan money to terrorist
9. Several countries in southern Africa would like to form a
free trade group.
10. There is a suspected genocide taking place in eastern Russia.