A steel cantilever beam is fixed at one end and free to move at the other. A load F of 980 N is applied to the free end. Four axially aligned strain gauges (GF 2) are mounted to the beam a distance L from the applied load, two on the upper surface, R1 and R4, and two on the lower surface, R2 and R3. The bridge deflection output is passed through an amplifier (gain, Ga = 1000) and measured. For a cantilever, the relationship between applied load and strain is 2E*I*m/L*t, where I is the beam moment of inertia (b/12), t is the beam thickness, and b is the beam width. Estimate the measured output for the applied load if L = 0.1 m, b = 0.03 m, t = 0.01 m, and the bridge excitation voltage is 5 V. E = 200 GPa.