. What is Bourgois' main argument in this article? How does he go about making it, step by step? Is it convincing? Why?/ Why not? 2. What is "cultural capital?" How does this concept explain the experiences of people from El Barrio-in school? At work? In business? In the legal system? 3. How do you think Bourgois' ethnography in Spanish Harlem balances "structure" and "agency?"From your reading of the article, what are the functions of "street culture?" 4a. What are some of the tradeoffs Primo and his friends must consider about when trying to enter the legal economy vs. working in the underground economy? What sorts of material and personal benefits do each provide? What about self-respect? The American dream? b) According to definitions and understandings of the word, are these folks deviant? 5. a) Why is deviance relative (discuss the relativity of deviance)? b) What are the varying facets of labeling theory? c) How is this further manifested in the medicalization of deviance?