Jade is a senior marketing coordinator at a large communications company. One of Jade’s responsibilities is to mentor newly hired employees like Carla. Two weeks after Carla is hired, Jade notices that Carla’s email messages are sometimes too informal. As her mentor, Jade decides to give Carla feedback to help her improve.
Hi Carla,
I saw your recent report to the manager. I know that you are supposed to send me the reports to proofread for you, but I kind of assumed you would proofread them for basic errors before you sent them to me. I think we all were hired because we know how to use professional communication skills, so I was kind of hoping you would do a better job of fixing your report for major errors before you sent it to me. Can you start doing that please? I am really finding it time consuming to fix mistakes you could have spotted easily.
Describe if you felt Jade’s feedback was effective or not based on what you learned about feedback from the lecture.