DIRECTIONS: Fill in each blank with the correct answer output. Assume each statement happens in order and that one statement may affect the next statement. Some sections might print more than once.
1. int x=-2; while (x <9) x++; System.out.println(x + " ");
2. int m=1, total=0; while (m <9){ total=total+m; m++; System.out.println(total); }
3. int z=2, sum=0; while (z <10){ sum=sum+z; z++; System.out.println(sum); }
4. int k=5; String s=""; while (k > 0){ k--; s=s+":"; System.out.println(s); }
5. int b=3; String list=""; while (b < 10) { b=b+2; if(b%2==0) list=b+" "+list; System.out.println(list); }