Lab Report
[Use this document as a template for writing your lab report. Descriptions of what to include and examples of each section have been provided. Before submitting this document to your teacher, delete all the text in brackets, including this text.]
[This is the title of the lab lesson.
Example: Effect of Soap on Surface Tension of Water]
Type your title here.
[This section describes the principles and concepts related to the experiment. It is used to help the person reading your report to understand the information that serves as a foundation for the experiment. It also includes a brief statement about the purpose of the lab.
Example: Surface tension is the attractive force exerted upon the surface molecules of a liquid by the molecules beneath. Water has a high surface tension because there are strong attractive forces between water molecules. Adding surfactants, like soap, can reduce the surface tension of a liquid. The purpose of the experiment was to determine the effect of soap on the surface tension of water.]
Type your introduction here.
Experimental Methods
[This section should be written in paragraph form and describe how the experiment was conducted, including a description of controls and how the measurements were taken.
Example: The surface tension of water was tested by counting the number of drops that could fit on the head of a penny before it spilled over. Both samples of water were left at room temperature for several hours before use. Approximately 1 mL of soap was added to one sample of water. The same penny was used for both tests, and it was rinsed and dried thoroughly between tests. Three trials were conducted for each test.]
Type your experimental methods here.
Data and Observations
[This section should include descriptions of results and organized data tables and/or graphs, depending on the experiment. It is important that the data be easy to read and interpret and include appropriate labels and descriptions.
Table 1. Average Number of Drops Added to Head of Penny for Three Trials.

Type your data and observations here.
Discussion and Conclusions
[Use the questions in your lab lesson to complete this section.
Soap reduced the surface tension of water because only 10 drops of water and soap mixture were added to the penny before the liquid spilled over, compared to 50 drops of water without soap. Sources of error include variations in the volume added with each drop, the time between drops, and the surface of the penny being cleaned as the water/soap mixture is added in each trial. The experiment could be improved by observing other indications of surface tension, including measuring the contact angle.]
Type your discussion and conclusions here.