Adolescent Information Demographics: Tony is a 15-year-old white male. Medical/Developmental history - Tony's medical history is unremarkable, and he met his developmental milestones within normal limits. Family history - Tony was born into a single-parent household. His biological father left his mother while she was pregnant and has never had any contact with Tony. Tony grew up in a poor neighborhood. In order to provide financially, Tony's mother works long hours at 2 or more jobs and is rarely home when Tony gets home from school. When she is home, Tony reports that she seems uninterested in him and never spends positive quality time with him. Most of the time he feels that she wants nothing to do with him and even blames him for her struggles. It has been this way for most of his childhood, and he was told that he has always been a "difficult" child. Currently, Tony reports that when he and his mother do interact, most of their communication involves heated arguments that include screaming, cursing, and throwing things. Tony's mother has been diagnosed with depression but is not engaged in treatment of any kind.