The distribution of people traveling by Blue line in Delhi metro and Violet line in Delhi metro on different days of the week is given below The average amount for a trip spent by a traveler on Blue line and Violet line is Rs 25 and Rs. 30 respectively
Blue Line: The percentage of people traveling on Monday and Friday are equal. The number of people traveling on Tuesday and Saturday respectively were 50% and 60% more than those traveling on Wednesday. The ratio of the number of people traveling on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday was 5 6 9 respectively On Sunday 55000 people traveled, which accounted for 11% of the total number of travelers during the week.
Violet line: The total number of people traveling by Blue and Violet lines on Friday and Saturday was 130000 and 110000 respectively The ratio of the number of people
traveling on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday was 17: 13: 12 respectively. The total number of travelers on Tuesday and Thursday were equal whereas the number of travelers on Saturday was 50% more than that on Sunday.
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