can someone please help me with these psychology questions. this is due on Sunday, February 11.
question 43. Of the children who could benefit from mental health treatment, how many are actually getting help?
A. 1 in 10
B. 25%
C. 1 in 5
D. About 75%
question 44. During this stage of life, children are starting to compare themselves to others in elementary school and beyond.
A. Initiative vs Guilt.
B. Identity vs Confusion.
C. Industry vs Inferiority.
D. Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt.
question 45. Which of the following represents the layers of the environment from most powerful to least powerful?
A. Macrosystem, Mesosystem, Exosystem, Microsystem.
B. Microsystem, Mesosystem, Exosystem, Macrosystem.
C. Mesosystem, Exosystem, Macrosystem, Microsystem.
D. Exosystem, Macrosystem, Microsystem, Mesosystem.
question 46. The truism of plasticity refers to the idea that...
A. Some mental illness are developmental in nature.
B. The brain is always capable of change.
C. Mental illnesses are caused by both nature and nurture
D. Symptoms of mental illnesses change over time.