Read the timeline on pages 128-135. The timeline explains the perspective of the First
Nations regarding the Treaties on the top of the timeline; the Canadian Government's
on the bottom. After reading, answer the following questions:
1. Summarize the First Nations' perspective on the Treaties. Include how their
perspective changed over time.


2. Summarize the Canadian Government's perspective on the Treaties. Include how
their perspective changed over time.

3. Explain the similarities between the two groups.


4. What was the most shocking/disturbing/surprising aspect of the Treaties/treatment of
the First Nations. Why?




1. Read the section in the textbook covering the development of Métis rights in the
textbook. Pages 153 to 158.
2. You will create a timeline demonstrating how the collective rights of the Métis were
created. The timeline MUST include:
- Major dates
- A summary of what happened at that time
- A pictogram (picture) representing the event(s).
3. The timeline can take whatever form you would like...feel free to be creative.