After alteration of fetal circulation at birth which temporary structure becomes ligametum teres Umbilical vein Ductus arterosis Ductus venosus Foramen ovale In physiology of puerperium autodigestion of dead tissues is referred to as. Ischaemia Involution Autolysis Sub involution During history taking a woman gives history of having had two abortions, which term could be used to describe her. Primigravida Nullipara Primipara Multipara Which uterine support maintains the anteverted position of the uterus. Transverse cervical Broad ligament Ovarian ligament Round ligament Damaged sore nipples caused by incorrect attachment of the baby to the breast is managed by. Stop breastfeeding, put mother on antibiotics, apply warm compress Administer analgesics, apply tropical antibiotics, encourage breast feeding when woman is not in pain. Correct positioning of the baby on breast, give paracetamol, give antibiotics. Correct positioning of baby on breast, apply expressed breast milk on damaged nipples, rest the breast by feeding baby with expressed breast milk. Components of a partograph that assess progress of labour include. Contractions, descent, moulding Contractions, fetal heart rate, liquor amnii Descent, moulding, liquor amnii Blood pressure, contractions, descent. During antenatal care the fundus is palpable at the xiphisternum. What is the gestation 12 weeks 24 weeks 36 weeks 40 weeks Which is the outer layer of the blastocyst which has a nucleated protoplasm capable of breaking down the decidua. Cytotrophoblast Mesoderm Syncitiotrophoblast Blastocele Preventive measures offered during antenatal care include. Tetanus toxoid, sulphadoxine pyrimethamie, mebedazole Folic acid, ferrous sulphate, haemoglobin check. Tetanus toxoid, insecticide treated nets, counsel on diet. Haemoglobin check, insecticide treated nets, sulphadoxite pyromethamine When performing a pelvic assessment, eliciting a heart shaped brim, narrow forepelvis, convergent sidewalls prominent ischial spines and an acute subpubic arch is a