2. How did the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution affect the course of the Vietnam war?
a. It was a major political victory for the Vietcong
b. It convinced Americans that the domino theory was correct.
c. It caused Americans to take an active role in the fighting.
d. It contributed to the growth of an antiwar protest movement.
3. Which statements best describes the draft?
a. It was accepted by all Americans.
b. It did not extend to poor men.
c. So Many middle-class men avoided it.
d. It rewarded volunteers who joined the army.
4. Which of the following statements best explains Johnson's Great Society?
a. It was designed as a war on poverty in America.
b. It was designed to create a perfect society for all Americans.
c. It was a plan to finally eliminate communism in the United States
d. It was a secret plan to end the Vietnam War.