
WORD SCRAMBLE (100 Points!)

1.) A home run with the bases loaded. ANRGD MALS

2.) Runner races toward the next base as the pitcher toward the ball. NINUNGR TIHW HET TCIHP

3.) Location of the Baseball Hall of Fame. POECSOOWTNR YN

4.) A game can be officially over after _?_ innings. VIEF

5.) The key man on the team. TIPERHC

6.) A very important skill of a good hitter. TANOCNTERICNO

7.) To trap a runner off base and tag him out of with a sudden throw. CKIP FOF

8.) Players who play near their respective bases. FINDIERSLE

9.)The second part of an inning. OMTBOT

10.) A batter who replaces another. PCNHI TEHIRT

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