2-Read the text and asnwer:
If I win the Karate League
My name is Isabel, I'm competing at the Karate League. If I win the Karate League I
will be the champion of Brazil. If I go back to Brazil, I will be on the television. I will
be very famous, If I talk on tv. I will be around famous people, If I walk on the studio
show. I will have many fans asking for a photo with me, If only this happen. If I win
the League, I will have a very nice trophy on my wall. And this will be my first one. I
would have the happiest day of my life.
a)What is the text talking about?
b)What Isabel is competing for Where is she from?
c)Where she will be when goes back to Brazil?
D ) Que tipo de Conditional está o texto? Retire uma frase comprovando.