In your textbook, read about the shape of the Milky Way.
For each statement below, write true or false.
6. Radio waves are used to map the Milky Way because they can penetrate the
and dust without being scattered or absorbed.
interstellar gas.
7. The Milky Way's galactic nucleus is surrounded by a nuclear bulge that sticks out
of the galactic disk.
8. Measurements of star luminosity at different distances provide a hint of the Milky
Way's spiral arms.
9. Around the Milky Way's nuclear bulge and disk is the halo, where the globular
clusters are located.
10. Astronomers mapped the emission wavelength of nitrogen gas in space to
conclusively determine the existence of spiral arms in the Milky Way.
11. Five major spiral arms and a few minor arms were identified in the Milky Way.
12. The Sun is located in the Milky Way's minor arm Orion at a distance of 26,000 ly
from the galactic center.
13. In its 5-billion-year life, the Sun has orbited the galaxy approximately 100 times.
True or false