QUESTION: What would be the calculated value of the total Average SI for 2023? (Round to 2 decimal places)
You should be able to answer this based on what you know about monthly seasonal index or by looking at the values in the previous years.
Month Demand Yearly average Seasonal Index Average SI Deseasonalized Time period
1/1/2019 2210 0.803514619 0.7681689647 2876.971215 1
2/1/2019 2353 0.8555067414 0.7857267291 2994.679846 2
3/1/2019 2835 1.030752916 0.8626345843 3286.443706 3
4/1/2019 2745 0.9980306014 0.9698903695 2830.216781 4
5/1/2019 2350 0.8544159976 0.9816223464 2393.99603 5
6/1/2019 3433 1.248174519 1.11809395 3070.403877 6
7/1/2019 2550 0.9271322527 0.823622008 3096.080454 7
8/1/2019 2250 0.81805787 0.8614197208 2611.967135 8
9/1/2019 2263 0.8227844266 0.8739269955 2589.461147 9
10/1/2019 2590 0.9416755037 1.066611068 2428.251569 10
11/1/2019 3428 Put yearly average in below cell 1.246356613 1.310641329 2615.513432 11
12/1/2019 3998 2750.416667 1.45359794 1.577641934 2534.161848 12
1/1/2020 2513 0.7956938178 0.7681689647 3271.415685 13
2/1/2020 2344 0.7421831711 0.7857267291 2983.225482 14
3/1/2020 2476 0.7839784691 0.8626345843 2870.27676 15
4/1/2020 3055 0.9673078445 0.9698903695 3149.840535 16
5/1/2020 3535 1.119290746 0.9816223464 3601.181262 17
6/1/2020 3365 1.065463469 1.11809395 3009.58609 18
7/1/2020 2426 0.7681469168 0.823622008 2945.525953 19
8/1/2020 2788 0.8827673553 0.8614197208 3236.517499 20
9/1/2020 2806 0.8884667142 0.8739269955 3210.794511 21
10/1/2020 3397 1.075595662 1.066611068 3184.853506 22
11/1/2020 4097 Put yearly average in below cell 1.297237394 1.310641329 3125.950563 23
12/1/2020 5097 3158.25 1.61386844 1.577641934 3230.771121 24
1/1/2021 2629 0.7052984574 0.7681689647 3422.424129 25
2/1/2021 2831 0.759490275 0.7857267291 3603.033847 26
3/1/2021 2882 0.7731723675 0.8626345843 3340.927958 27
4/1/2021 3520 0.9443326626 0.9698903695 3629.276164 28
5/1/2021 3620 0.9711602951 0.9816223464 3687.772608 29
6/1/2021 3879 1.040643863 1.11809395 3469.297011 30
7/1/2021 2891 0.7755868545 0.823622008 3510.10533 31
8/1/2021 3293 0.883433937 0.8614197208 3822.759011 32
9/1/2021 3394 0.9105298457 0.8739269955 3883.61959 33
10/1/2021 4408 1.182562039 1.066611068 4132.715412 34
11/1/2021 5175 Put yearly average in below cell 1.38832998 1.310641329 3948.448661 35
12/1/2021 6208 3727.5 1.665459423 1.577641934 3934.986682 36