1. Give an English derivative for each of the Greek words below. Do not use words from any part of the
Greek Word English Derivative
2. Consider the words “autopsy” and “autograph.”
a. In what senses are these words most often used in popular culture?
b. What do historians mean when they say that an account of events is an “autopsy”?
c. What do they mean when they say that a given document is an “autograph”?
d. How do the senses in which historians use these words compare to the more popular senses?
3. Dominik and company discuss “primary sources” and “secondary sources.” Consider these terms.
a. What is the distinction between primary sources and secondary sources?
b. When might a secondary source be more reliable than a primary source?
c. What are some kinds of primary sources that historians might use today that would not have
been available to historians in the ancient Mediterranean world?
d. On what kind of primary sources did historians in the ancient world rely for most of their