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01.02 Perspectives and Themes Worksheet
Complete all activities using the Japanese folktale “The Aged Mother.” The full text is included below.
Part 1: Tracking Themes in “The Aged Mother”
Read “The Aged Mother.” Then, select two topics and track their development through the text using the chart below. Answer in complete sentences and use examples from the story in your response.
Steps to Tracking Theme
Topic #1:
Topic 2:
· What are the views and attitude of the character(s) toward the topic?
· How do these views and attitudes change from beginning to end?
· How does the character change from beginning to end?
· How does the conflict relate to this topic?
· How is this conflict resolved? If not resolved, why?
· What does the way the conflict is resolved tell you about the character(s) and the topic?
· What about the topic do the characters repeatedly focus on?
· Which words related to the topic are repeated throughout?
· Which ideas or images related to the topic do I see more than twice?
· Which elements of setting relate to the topic – historical context, mood, place, social environment, time, or weather?
· How is the topic treated in the setting? Does the treatment change if/when the setting changes?
Based on your responses,
write a statement of theme for each topic.
Part 2: Characters’ Perspective in “The Aged Mother”
Authors develop and individualize their characters’ perspectives through the narrator’s words, the characters’ interactions, the setting, and the characters’ own thoughts. Using “The Aged Mother,” answer the following question.
1. In “The Aged Mother,” what is one way that Matsuo Basho develops and individualizes either the son’s or the mother’s perspective? Include an example from the folktale to support your response of 2-3 sentences.
Rubric – 35 total points
On Target
Almost There
Needs Improvement
Part 1:
Tracking Theme Chart
Statement of Theme
30-21 points
Included two topics from “The Aged Mother”
COmpleted the four literary element portions of the chart for both topics with insight and attention to detail
Included two complete statements of theme that are supported by the information in the chart
No major errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling
20-11 points
Included two topics from “The Aged Mother”
Attempted the four literary element portions of the chart, but may be missing sessions, details, or support
Attempted 1-2 complete statements of theme that are supported by information in the chart
Minor errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling
May be missing two topics from “The Aged Mother”
May be missing the four literary element portions of the chart
May be missing two complete statements of theme that are supported bu information in the chart
Major errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling
Part 2:
Characters’ Perspective
5 points
4-3 points
2-0 points
Insightfully explains one way that Matsup Basho develops and individualizes either the son’s or the mother’s perspective.
Includes an example from the folktale to support response
Response is at least 2-3 complete sentences in length
No major errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling
Lists one way that Matsuo Basho develops and individualizes either the sons’s or the mother’s perspective
May be missing an example from the folktale to support response or example is loosely related
Response is 1-2 complete sentences in length
Minor errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling
May be missing explanation of how Matsuo Basho develops and individualizes either the son’s or the mother’s perspective
May be missing an example from the folktale to support response
Response is missing altogether
May have major errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling