Create a class that takes in a string and 3 ints, (call them a, b, c).
create methods that will change the int values, so you can test the below methods.
then create the following methods.
sumLimit() --> takes the 2 ints you have in a,b and return their sum, so long as the sum has the same number of digits as a. If the sum has more digits than a, just return a without b. (Note: one way to compute the number of digits of a non-negative int n is to convert it to a string with String.valueOf(n) and then check the length of the string.)
for example if you had (a,b) --> you should test them in all cases (note that you are not passing in a,b just using the instance variables you already have!)
sumLimit(2, 3) → 5
sumLimit(8, 3) → 8
sumLimit(11, 39) → 50
sumLimit(11, 99) → 11
sumLimit(99, 1) → 99
luckySum() --> Given your 3 int values, a b c, return their sum. However, if one of the values is 13 then it does not count towards the sum and values to its right do not count. So for example, if b is 13, then both b and c do not count.
for example if your 3 ints were in the order (a, b, c)
luckySum(1, 2, 3) → 6
luckySum(1, 2, 13) → 3
luckySum(1, 13, 3) → 1
ComboString(String str) --> Given a string, compare it to the String in your instance Variable and return the shorter of the 2 + the longer + the Shorter
For example if you had the following 2 strings, this is what it would return. Your method should only take in one String
comboString("Hello", "hi") → "hiHellohi"
comboString("hi", "Hello") → "hiHellohi"
comboString("aaa", "b") → "baaab"