Legitimacy A typical definition of legitimacy in political science and sociology is the conviction that a law, institution, or leader has the authority to rule.
An individual's assessment of the propriety of a hierarchy between a rule or ruler and the subject, as well as the subordinate's duties to the rule or ruler, is involved. In order to give authority to rulers or their regulations, it is frequently necessary to invoke significant social norms. However, payoffs and inducements to subordinates are another method of trying to legitimize an action. The effectiveness of normative arguments and material incentives as legitimation methods depends on how the audience reacts to them. One cannot generalize about the effectiveness of one or the other as a generic legitimating technique, nor can one claim that legitimacy can only be achieved by adhering to one or the other. Contrarily, legitimacy is a fundamentally subjective and normative concept that only exists in a person's perception of the correctness of a rule. It differs from legality in that.
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