The local coffee chain claim that the "mall" ize cup contain 10 ounce of
coffee, but the amount varie lightly from cup to cup. You think that the
barita i putting le coffee in your cup than you pay for you! You record the
meaurement of your order for the mot recent 20 cup. I there evidence
that the barita i hort changing you? Uing alpha 0. 5. (One ample t-tet)
9. 9, 9. 7, 10. 0, 10. 1, 9. 6, 9. 8, 9. 8, 10. 0, 9. 5, 9. 7, 10. 1, 9. 9, 9. 6, 10. 2, 9. 8, 10. 0,
9. 9, 9. 5, 9. 9, and 9. 9. (One ample t-tet)