Jackie Max of Maximum Profit Brokerage is a real estate broker in Northern Virginia. She is becoming know for a marketing expertise. She has 10 agents in her firm several who have come to her about expanding the business. She has three agents that she has complete confidence in and is willing to have them head up an upstart in a few other jurisdiction (MD, DC, and another office in Southern Virginia). She has built a successful agency and is looking to expand her business and even franchise. Jackie is concerned about how to protect her brand as she expands. She is wondering what is the best option for partnership. She has been a very successful Sole Proprietor for the past 10 years. She has seen how some other real estate agency have lost their brand power when expanding and wants to maintain management oversight of her new locations but she realizes that attracting capital will require some sacrifices.
She has come to you for some advice.
1. She wants to know what is the best business association for her. In your response address all of the partnership option we have discussed so far (Partnership, Limited Partnership, LLC, etc.). 2. She would like to know the pros and cons of each business model and which model is most suited for her particular needs. 3. Keeping in mind all of her concerns please provide her with some advise on her potential new venture.