Engaging in argument from evidence is an important Science and Engineering Practice. Argumentation is the process by which explanations and solutions are reached. Good scientists always use evidence to support their arguments. They also know how to appropriately interact with fellow scientists and collaborators in the engagement and presentation of their arguments. Today we will be focusing on this Science and Engineering Practice as we create a proposal to present to the fictional ruler of your country where you recommend technology to purchase to protect your city from natural hazards.

As a city, you will need to create a proposal that you will present to the ruler of your country. In your proposal, you will recommend technology to purchase to protect your city. The strength of your arguments will determine whether or not the ruler of your country will provide you with the funds to invest in your technology.

5 Things you will need to include in your proposal to receive full credit for this assignment:

Introduction: What is the name of your city? Where is it located? What type of climate/geologic features does it have?
Contributions To Country: Why is your city important? Why is it worth protecting? What does it contribute to the rest of the country (resources)?
Natural Hazards: What are the most serious hazards that your city faces? What are the causes of these hazards?
Research: What has been done in other cities to protect people from these hazards?
Technology to Mitigate Effects: What technology (up to 2) do you recommend investing in to protect your city? Make sure to describe the technology, the costs associated with this technology, and how it will protect your city.
Your group presentation will be submitted electronically on CANVAS. There is a rubric included below for you to refer to. Your proposal will be viewed by both your teacher and by your peers (in the form of peer reviews). Your proposal may take any form you wish including graphs, props, images, videos, and demonstrations. The more convincing you make it, the more likely the ruler will be to award you the funds to purchase the needed technology to protect your city.