I was very surprised when i found aunt was in the hospital although she was very stubborn. It’s noon out and i feel like such a bad person for guilt tripping her but i’m also so happy she went. It’s dark out and the doctor told her it was a mild headache i want to stay and take care of her but everyone will be at this party it’s time for me to show them i’m not just the weird kid. I ask aunt sisi if i could go & if she’s gonna be ok she stated yes, she will be. But what do i wear? i reminded myself to calm down now i’m raiding out my closet. after a few minutes i had found a white dress my mom had wore “ man do i miss her” i said calmly. “I’m leaving aunt sisi” i yelled now while i’m walking to the party i feel lots of emotions “they haven’t seen me in so long” i said. I continued walking until i hear a faint “hey” i continued walking i have a party to get too. While on my way i suddenly turned around it was my mom she looked so pretty i knew it wasn’t real but it made me so happy and motivated to see her face one last time she told me “ don’t stress yourself let lose and have fun” i took those words & stuck them with me. i walked for another 10 minutes when i went into a party it felt so wonderful to see all these people they all spoke to me with respect and happiness. i said too myself “ this is the best night ever