When you try your best to do something good...but you feel like you messed it up? The time you try to help everyone you can because you have such a big heart. But do you EVER get asked "what can I help YOU with?" The time you spend crying just because you feel like nobody is their for you? The time crying because you asked yourself, "Why do people think this is the answer?" When you think of how bad this world is...but there is NOTHING you can do about it. You just think...why do I have to live in a world full of hate... people pulling each other down because that's OK? Girls, starving themselves to be what society things is "good enough". WHEN WILL WE STOP? How many more have to go before we realize we are ALL good enough! But you then think again...am I part of the problem?

Im honestly in a low...but I ALWAYS get through them. I'm not going to do anything to myself AT ALL. (I know some will ask that) This is just a thought of mine. Who can relate? I am always here to talk...so if you need something ASK ME! (and just for the record...im 13)