Elections have just been held in Politton.
There are two parties, the Greens and the Yellows. The turnout was 70%.
The Greens got 60% of the vote and the Yellows the remaining 40%.
An exit poll showed that 30% of women voted Green, while 70% voted Yellow.
There are equal numbers of men and women registered to vote. And the percent turnout was the same.
What proportion of men in the total electorate voted Yellow?

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n the immediate aftermath of a national election, exit polls offer the best glimpse of what the electorate looked like – who voted for whom and what seemed to drive their choices.

Traditionally, the exit polls have been a collaborative effort of a consortium of major media organizations, involving interviews with a representative sample of thousands of voters as they leave polling places across the nation. In this election, concerns about the pandemic helped drive an unprecedented number of Americans to vote early or by mail. By Nov. 3, more than 100 million Americans had already voted. To account for these voters, this year’s exit polls include data from telephone interviews with a representative sample of people who voted early or by mail. In all, the national exit poll includes interviews with 15,590 voters. It is important to note that these data will be updated, so the numbers below should be considered preliminary, reflecting the exit polls reported as of Nov. 4.

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