Answer: There are the 6 answers for the answer key to each of the following "Plagiarism" or "Not Plagiarism" sentence statements based on the "True" or "False" statement:
- For sentence statement #1: "Copying the text from a book or website word for word without using the quotation marks.", the option to this sentence statement is "Plagiarism".
- For sentence statement #2: "Taking the notes from the website.", the option to this statement sentence is "Not Plagiarism".
- For sentence statement #3: "Presenting the other's idea as your own without citing your sources.", the option to this sentence statement is "Plagiarism".
- For sentence statement #4: "Using a picture that you found on a website and presenting it as your own.", the option to this sentence statement is "Plagiarism".
- For sentence statement #5: "Using a famous picture in a presentation with the picture title, the artist name, and the date in the corner of the slide.", the option to this sentence statement is "Not Plagiarism".
- And last but not least is for sentence statement #6: "Using the facts from a website in a presentation and citing the source of this information.", the option to this sentence statement is "Not Plagiarism".
Explanation: Here are the 5 important explanation reasons why you can't recommend yourself to use plagiarism:
- Plagiarism means you steal and pass off someone else's creative ideas and claim your own work assignment as your own without giving the proper credit to the original.
- Plagiarism is serious consequences and is also a violation of the principles of academic integrity.
- Plagiarism could have more serious consequences: you could get a failing grade, the teacher will send you to the principal's office for dismissal, in-school or out-of-school suspensions, hour after-school detention or possibly an expulsion for receiving "F" for your own entirely class.
- Plagiarism also means stealing intellectual property.
- And last but not least is cheating is the same as plagiarism.
I hope my explanation answer about the "Plagiarism" or "Not Plagiarism" Sentence Statement that is based on the "True" or False" Sentence Statement is very helpful to your own question and have a great day! :D
Jason Ta,
The Ambitious of The Brainly And The Role of The TDSB And The WHCI Student of The High School.