Respuesta :
Research question 1:
How do exposure to and use of ICTs in school affect future employment?
The impact of ICT use in school and student exposure to ICTs, and the nature of use and exposure, on student employability in developing has not been well documented. Tracer studies of the impact of ICTs on further study and employment would be useful, as this could be a useful additional measure of educational quality, beyond standardized testing results.
Research question 2:
What is the impact of ‘computer-literacy’ instruction in schools?
In most circumstances in LDC schools, ICTs are used almost exclusively to provide instruction in “computer literacy’. Emerging research from OECD experience suggests such instruction may not be a productive use of time or resources – is this true in LDCs?
Research question 3:
What is the gender impact of ICTs in education on access, use of, attitudes toward, and learning outcomes?
Studies of the potential differential impact of ICT use by gender on student access to learning in a variety of LDC contexts need to be done.
Research question 4:
How can ICTs be used to present, comment on and discuss student work, and what are the implications of such impact?
The effects of using ICTs to present and discuss student work are not well researched.
Research question 5:
Are some school subjects better suited for ICT integration than others?
Given that access to ICTs in schools is quite limited, it would be useful to know if certain ICT applications are better suited to use in certain school subjects and others and, if so, how ICTs can be utilized to aid teaching and learning in such subjects.