With so many taking advantage of desktop publishing, it difficult to put a finger on what desktop publishing is actually used for. There are many uses of desktop publishing software and this article explains these uses, and more importantly who employs them. Over the years, desktop publishing has taken on many definitions, and many are unaware of its primary use. There is no definite answer and almost everyone can attest to using desktop publishing at some point in their lives. To help us better understand this term, here is a list of the top 5 uses of desktop publishing software.
Graphic Design. This is the number one use for desktop publishing and can be held accountable for why the term has changed so much over the years. Professional graphic designers use DTP programs such as QuarkXPress, Adobe PageMaker, and Adobe Photoshop to create webpages, the front pages of newspapers, and a variety of other visual documentation. Thanks to DTP, graphic design has become more than just pencil and paper. The introduction of desktop publishing has taken graphic design to greater heights. Without desktop publishing, there is no graphic design, and vice versa.
I made a little research for you.. =)