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There were several situations that impacted the development of the Romantic Movement in Great Britain. The industrial revolution, the French revolution and Napoleon´s conquest had big effects in Europe.

Central Europe was where the Romantic Movement began, and it was an opposite reaction to the French Enlightenment. Also included in this negative reaction were political liberalism and modern conservatism.

After Napoleon invaded Central Europe, The romantic movement experienced its greatest growth. Also, there was an increase in modern nationalism. Furthermore, after the industrial revolution many scholars in the form of writing protested against the mechanization of labor and that of the society. Political Liberalism started in Great Britain in the 19th century by social reformers. They were very careful no to make the same errors as the French revolutionaries. The social revolutionaries´ concept was to apply abstract scientific rules for a better comprehension of society.

A combination of these factors and others, allowed the Romantic Movement to set roots and span in Europe and consequently to Great Britain.

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Answer: The Industrial Revolution
