1. Wellness is a state of well-being or balanced health over a long period of time. True False
2.The mind-body connection describes how your emotions affect your physical and overall health and how your overall health affects your emotions.
True False
3.Some examples of positive lifestyle factors include eating well-balanced meals, sleeping at least eight hours a night and doing your best in school and other activities. True False
4. A risk behavior is an action or behavior that might cause injury or harm to you or others. True False
5. Stress is the body's response to real or imagined dangers or other life events. True False
6. Goals setting is the process of working toward something you want to accomplish. True False
7. There are two basic types of goals - short term goals that you can achieve in a short length of time and long term goals, goals that you plan to reach over an extended period of time. True False
8. Some examples of influences on your health include media and technology, environment, friends and peers, fears, and family and culture. True False
9.Conflict resolution is the exchange of information through the use of words or actions. True False